Thanks for visiting our site! ^_^
Today we are offering you RapidShare Premium Account!
Yes, that’s right! A FREE RAPIDSHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT! We’ve got a big list of rapidshare premium accounts (don’t ask us how did we get it
and we are sharing them with you!
There’s a new account generated for every download so you won’t have privacy problems.
Your downloaded account remains yours forever!
Your downloaded account remains yours forever!
Don’t miss your chance to get a rapidshare premium account without spending a single buck on this.
About RapidShare
RapidShare is a one-click hosting service that offers both free and commercial services. Operating from Switzerland, it is financed by the subscriptions of paying users. RapidShare is one of the world’s largest file-hosting sites, with 10 petabytes of files on its servers, and handling up to three million users simultaneously.
RapidShare was founded by Christian Schmid, who also took over management of the company after longtime CEO and COO Bobby Chang left in April 2010.RapidShare’s original site was RapidShare.de, using the German top-level domain “.de”. Later a second site, RapidShare.com, was started. It operated in parallel with RapidShare.de for several years. On March 1, 2010, RapidShare.de was shut down, and users visiting the site were forwarded to RapidShare.com. Files hosted on RapidShare.de were no longer available for download.
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