Two story-based campaign DLC packs were announced in October 2012 for release in 2013, and will follow the assassin Daud as he seeks redemption for murdering Empress Jessamine. The first expansion, The Knife of Dunwall is scheduled for release on April 16, 2013, on PS3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. It features Daud as a playable character with his own abilities including: “Void Gaze”, which serves a similar function as The Heart, guiding Daud to runes and bone charms; “Chokedust”, which dazes enemies; and an ability which allows Daud to summon his assassin followers; and his own gadgets such as stun mines and a concealed wrist-mounted bow. The Knife of Dunwall introduces new locations to the game such as a whale slaughterhouse, and also provides Daud’s perspective on certain events from Dishonored’s main story. The second expansion is titled The Brigmo re Witches, and will conclude Daud’s story.
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